The young people spent months practicing and perfecting their performances, dedicating an hour and a half each week to encourage each other along the way. Some of the young people that were too shy to get involved on stage helped make the banner that was strung along behind the young people as they performed.
Performance night was an absolute blast and all of the young people were fantastic! From magic to dancing to singing, we'd had so much fun watching these young people develop their performances over the last few months, it was brilliant being able to see all their hard work come together on the night in front of such a large audience. Thank you to everyone who came to support them, to the St Andrews & the Docklands Ward Councilors for their generous donation of £100 towards the prizes, to our volunteers, and to our three judges Dave Hamilton Sharon Kendall and Elisha from Hull Truck Theatre! We can't wait for next year's Talent Show!
We had a blast at Wheeler Children's Centre with our orbeez stressballs and tattoos. The whole event was fabulous and we were glad to be a part of all the summer fun!
As an end to our LGBTQ+ campaign, we had our very own Pride session at Network partially funded by their hard work fundraising throughout their campaign! We're so glad we were able to run this event after being unable to attend Pride this year and the young people loved the baking, glitter/tattoos, fruit, piñata, treasure hunt, photo booth and quizzes that we had in store for them We can't wait to do it again next year!
We had a brilliant time at Fraisthorpe for the second time with our Parent's and Toddlers Group! It was flippin' boiling, but we were all soaking it up and absolutely loved the day spent all together. The kids loved dipping in the sea, playing in the sand and having a few games of sport with their parents.
For those that didn't go on the young people's beach trip, we ran a carnival themed day for them instead. We had fruit kebabs, candy floss, popcorn, carni games like hook-a-duck and a pinata and so much more for the young people to enjoy.
We had a fantastic day at Fraisthorpe with the young people, we're so glad we were able to go back this year after having to cancel back in 2020, and even more grateful that the weather was nice!
The young people had an amazing time playing sports on the sand with Francois, crabbing with Ayisja, swimming in the sea with Harry, and ate a delicious lunch made by Tanya and Kirsty. After such a busy day, we're not surprised half of them fell asleep on the coach back (as well as some staff members). |
December 2024
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Hessle Road Network is a company limited by guarantee (No 04360117) registered in England and Wales and a registered charity (No 1097519). Registered Office : Network Young People’s Centre, 1 Massey Street, Hull HU3 3LA.