Over the past six weeks, we have been doing a lot of work around a new role we have for young people at the project as a Peer Leader. A Peer Leader’s role is to support and represent the other young people at Hessle Road Network. The candidates running for this role put in a lot of work last month preparing presentations around what they would do in this role, why it is important to them, and why they feel they would be good at it. The young people also addressed subjects that mattered to them and issues they would like to campaign for within the project. Last week, we held a vote in which all of the presentations were anonymised so the young people were voting for their Peer Leaders based on matters that were important to them and changes that they would like to see at the project. We are proud of all the young people who took part in this as they worked really hard during the process and thought a lot about local and national issues that matter to them. Well done to the winners who would like to address issues around bullying, LGBTQ+ groups, racism, child abuse, and much more within the project. We can’t wait to see what they all get up to!
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Due to a large amount of our young people not having access to zoom, we decided to reach out to them another way during this second Lockdown. We put together 4 weeks worth of science and baking activities and delivered them to the young people's homes. We then videoed ourselves doing the activities to put onto our new YouTube channel (Hessle Road Network) so that the young people could bake and do their science experiments along with us from home. We are running weekly Zoom sessions along side this like last time, but felt that we didn't want any young people to miss out during this month.
It's been a fantastic week with the young people voting for our session's Peer Leaders, we can't wait to see who wins! The young people put so much time and effort into their profiles and campaigns leading up to the vote - good luck everyone!
December 2024
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Hessle Road Network is a company limited by guarantee (No 04360117) registered in England and Wales and a registered charity (No 1097519). Registered Office : Network Young People’s Centre, 1 Massey Street, Hull HU3 3LA.